Posts Tagged ‘save’

@lambeth_council sign petition to Save @Club414brixton

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

click here for the petition to save Club 414

Please register your objection via the planning application on the Lambeth Council site:

People have traveled from all of the UK and abroad to visit this iconic club for the quality events they have organised for decades now.
Club 414 is known to be a ‘home from home’ to many, with the warm reception given by the owners and staff as well as the love and care given to all who visit this club.

London is now crammed full of ‘trendy’ restaurants, bars and soulless venues providing dreary events with no substance. People will become bored of that trend, yet they have never tired of this club!

On this basis I strongly believe that this planning application is both an insult to London as well as those who have loyally frequented Brixton for this venue. It would be a ludicrous idea to allow this to happen as you will be carving yet another successful chunk of income from the economy.

More clubs are being closed down to make room for the same fashionable restaurants and bars across the UK. Our culture is being destroyed in the idea of profit making.
Saturating the market with the same will cause further profit losses not gains.

Removing venues which are so close to people’s hearts is becoming all too frequent and this venue is one which has stood its ground for more than 30 years and maintained a strong following while doing so.

Please add your signature to this petition to help us #save414 and share this petition on twitter, facebook and any other social media you can so we can get the word out!